“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Alishan part 2

The big trees i saw at this part of the mountain were awesome. I have never seen such old and big trees in my whole life. Even though by this time I was soaking wet seeing all this nature was worth it.

A random rest stop with all this Chinese on it. I have no idea what it says though.

Hiking was rough on my legs. We climbed all the way up then down then up again.

Some more bad English in Taiwan.
This is a shrine to all the trees that were cut down in the past.

This is so funny! The red sign says "please don't park here" two cars are parked in front of the sign and one car is double parked behind both of them. this is the best you can expect in Taiwan when it comes to driving. Taiwanese don't care about driving law.

We rode down on a small van. The driver was crazy! He passed 3 buses going down hill on a blind turn. He did get us there very fast though.

We made a stop here to eat some lunch.

This trip to Alishan was a lot of fun! I had a great time.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Alishan part 1

Oh what a early morning especially after going to sleep at 2am to wake up at 6am ><. On top of that it was raining!! A 25 minute walk to Nei Li train station in the rain : /. I didn't get too wet so it was not terrible. I was too excited to get to Alishan. We took the 7 minute train ride to Taoyuan train station.
This is David and me waiting for the mountain train to take us to Chiayi. We are all so tired and slept on the 3 hour train ride.
We walked to this bus station and while we were buying tickets a old lady was trying to get us to buy tickets from her. She said her bus was faster and we could go sightseeing and she priced it 1 NT less the then other bus. We bough the tickets from the other bus but we bought her tickets on the way back down. Down is a picture of her. We gave her 100 NT and she wrote down something. So pretty much we hope that she didn't rip us off and her bus will be there.

This was my room. It was a pretty ok room. I had to use slipper to get into the bed room and had special bathroom slippers for the bathroom. I guess very Japanese style.
This is everyone that went on the trip. David on the lower right, his girlfriend Haley to the right of him. And on the top Victoria and teddy. We had to walk up and down all these steps to get to our hotel... a foreshadowing of all the steps we will be climbing soon.
Eating at a restaurant called 999. It was not the best but I was soo hungry I didn't care and just kept eating till I was full.

Here are pictures of the forest at AliShan. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been in my whole life. It looks magical especially because of the mist of the rain.

They really don't want us to "frolicking" anywhere!!!!!!

This tree grew into a "heart shape" it looks really awesome, I think.
This is what you see as soon as you get out of the forest. Like I said before, its so beautiful.

This is the forest behind us that leads out to this opening. It almost look like the evil woods in Snow white.

We walked and found this temple while we were walking down. It looks really nice almost as nice as the one I saw in Taipei.

This picture makes me laugh. But yea the bridge shakes while you walk on it alot.
Here we are starting to walk through a part of the forest where the "big trees" are. By this time we are all soaking wet and a little tired from hiking.