“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, February 15, 2013

Taiwanese Grocery Store

 Today we had a family dinner at home. My host mother wanted to cook pizza for all of us : D. This is us eating at the table with the lights off and just candle light

We had to go to the grocery story to buy all the ingredient we needed to make the pizza. Here I saw some very pretty pots with colorful designs on the bottom of them. I never really seen them before so I took a picture of them.

The store had two floors the first was mainly electronics, clothes, and appliances. The second was where all the food was it. They had these escalators going up to the second floor. I felt really culture shocked walking around this store. I notice that in the electronics all the stereo equipment was turned up to the max blaring out music so it was soooo loud.

 Here in Taiwan you can buy liquor in a grocery store. At home I am pretty sure you have to go to an ABC store to do that.
I love Sprite!!

They had about 8 different types of nuts in this store. They had a little cup in the nuts where you can try the nut and see if you like how it taste before you buy it.

I saw many different types of meat at the grocery store. On the left bottom is cow foot and on the right of that is cow tongue. Doesn't it look delicious?
Here this lady was cooking meat so you could taste it before you bought it. You can take as many free samples as you want. My host sister ate a whole steak in free samples lol

 Some "Mexican" chicken and fish.

 More weird meat. I think that is like hear and lungs of a cow... I am not sure really.

On to the fish!

 Fresh Squid
Fresh frog

So many fresh fish!!
In America when you are done shopping many people just leave there cart where ever. In Taiwan you need to put 10 NTD into this lock so that it unlocks. The only way to get your money back is to return the cart and stick the key from another cart into it. This way everyone returns the carts.

I though it this was cool. It is a moving cart with Sushi on it. Each plate cost 30NTD and you can eat as much as you want. When you are done they count how many plates you have eaten and charge you like that.

Here is how the pizzas looked before we stuck them into the oven. They tasted sooo good!

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