“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday, January 28, 2013

One week left

Today marks my last week in the United States. This time right now, in Eastern Standard Time, will be 5:21am in the morning Tuesday in Taiwan. I will be sleeping in my bunk bed in a hostel in Taipei. I have been trying to get ready for my coming trip. I have bought clothes and ordered New Taiwanese Dollars from the bank because I have to pay for the hostel in cash. I don’t really know what I will do when I wake up that Tuesday afternoon in a strange, new and exciting new place. But then again, that is why I wanted to travel; to explore a new place and to challenge myself like never before.  I feel that I will be jet lag and might sleep the day away since my plane ride is almost 25 hours (not including layovers)!

When I was in middle school I went to Colombia and stayed with my family for 2 months. I remember how much I changed during that short trip. I wonder how much I will change when I return from Taiwan.  I  think the thing I look less forward to is having to ride a bus for 2 hours going from Taoyuan Airport to Taipei and then to my hostel. I will get to the hostel very late and I hope there will be someone to let me in that late. To my dismay, I found that there are no hostels in Taoyuan country. I have looked and looked but I can’t find any of them online. So I cannot stay in one for a night and the hotels are very expensive.  In my worst case scenario If I get to the hostel and can’t get in I will take a taxi to the nearest hotel for the night. I will be on my own from the 4th up to the 22nd when I have to go move in into my dorm. I hope to enjoy this time to the fullest! Maybe I can make friends with others in the hostels and travel in groups with them or I will just go solo.
I will now try to enjoy my mother’s home cooking and my girlfriend’s company before I leave. I am very excited for what awaits me half way around the world

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