“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, April 26, 2013

Midterms are over!!!

Midterms are finally over. For two whole weeks everyone at YZU just studies for these test. Now I can finally hang out with people. I had 4 midterms test. The test were all pretty easy, except for classical music class which was very hard. Right now I am getting ready to go to Ali Shan. I will post pictures from there when I come back. For now here are random pictures I have taken.
Here is the way to Nei Li train station after you get on the main road. It is very loud with all the cars and scooters driving by.
Here is another shot of the same street.

This is a picture of one of my good friends, Yadia. We were eating at a restaurant called Jenny Talks. The food there is very good and we go there alot to eat.
We took this picture in the library yesterday.
This is another of my very good friends, Lia. She is a masters student from Indonesia.
I think it is so funny that Taiwanese girls never want to take a picture because they always say they don't look "pretty" enough for one.
A video of "Caves books" in YZU.

Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm still alive!!!


It has been a LONG time that I have posted anything on my blog. I'm sorry I guess I have been busy enjoying Taiwan and always forget to take my camera. Right now, midterms are next week so everyone is studying for them. Here I will post some pictures of Yuan Ze so you can get an idea of what I see everyday going to and from classes. I promise I will start posting more pictures on my blog from now on!!
This is where I usually start off my day. This is my dorm. Four people live in one room but right now I only have two roommates. Its not that bad, I feel I have way MORE room here then I do in UNCG's dorm where I can barely get to my bed because of the dressers and furniture are in my way. Last night was sooo humid we had the window open and both fans on but it was still very hot ><.
This is my fourth of the room. Bed D. I spend alot of time here watching YouTube videos and chatting with other people. They don't give us a bed we have to go to a store and buy it. Its really thin and you have to get use to sleeping on it. Also there is no wifi in the "old" boys dorms. We use LAN connection and Internet is cut off at 12:37am and we have a 2GB limit.

This is the view from my window. You can see the courts to the left and in the middle is the tea/rice fields. You can sometimes see people working there growing and picking stuff.
Just a picture of the hall way on the 6th floor.
This is me and my good friend David going to eat lunch.
This is one of the 4 cafeterias Yuan Ze has. There are 3 restaurants here and a milk tea bar. It is so awesome Taiwanese really love food and there is so much variety. Even though UNCG is sooo much bigger then Yuan Ze, Yuan Ze's food is 100 times better then at UNCG. Its really full now because everyone has a lunch break at 12pm.
This is one of my favorite things to eat for lunch. I don't know what it is called in English but it is sooo tasty and fills me up. It cost 50NT which is about a dollar and something. It has chicken, rice and eggs...the rest I'm not sure what it is but I still love it.
Here, you can get a better look at the track and field that Yuan Ze has. Alot of people use the track and there is always someone playing volleyball or basketball.
This is the main walkway in Yuan Ze it is the equivalent of "college Ave" in UNCG. I really like all the trees and the flowers look very pretty.
This is building 7. The way they built this building is very weird. Many people like to take pictures at this building.
I don't know what "No Din" means but in Chinese it says to please be quiet, or don't be too loud.
We all say that inside building 7, it looks like Hogwarts from Harry Potter when the stair cases move around.

This is a picture from building 7 over looking the small pond that Yuan Ze has.
More pictures XD.
This is a very pretty pond in Yuan Ze. They have Kori fish and turtles that live here and it is very peaceful to come here and get away from all the city noise.

I have yet to see a snake but I will keep looking out for them.

The rock of innovation between building 2 and 3.
This is building 6 where all my business classes are. Its the tallest building in Yuan Ze, I think.
Yuan Ze has many dogs who live in the university. This is one of the oldest dogs. Almost every students know this dog and another one. They usually hang out in the gate of the school with the guard or walk around near family mart to try to get food from people.
Another dog and behind him is the library.