“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Good luck

So with my departure date ever nearing I have run into a bit of good luck. I have found a host family to take me in for the 3 weeks I will be in Taiwan till classes start on the 25 of February.  Not only will they pick me up from the airport late at night, they have also invited me to travel with their family to the south of Taiwan to celebrate the Chinese New Year. All this happening seems like destiny.  A few months ago I was looking for a home stay family but Taiwan has very few pickings so I gave up. I made a profile on one website and left it alone for some time. A week before I leave to Taiwan I decided to look for a possible place to stay at after my booking at the hostel ends. I only had 3 families to pick from so I sent all 3 of them a message. I received only one message back from Jerry and his family. The first sentence told me that they would love to host me but they would be on vacation the date I wanted to come. I felt a little sad after reading that BUT the next sentence said if I could come on the 8th of February they would invite me to go on vacation with them.  I had to do a double take when I read that. I think I read that message a hundred times I was so happy.  From all the messages I have sent to my host family I think they are very good people and I feel so lucky to have found them. If I did not find them I would have to figure out how to get to Taipei from Taoyuan airport which I hear is about a 2 hour journey, which after a over 25 hour plane ride will be hell to do. I cannot wait to get to know my host family better and talk and enjoy our time together.  Below is a picture of my host family.

As far as what I have left to do before I leave. I have to pack everything which I keep finding a excuse to postpone. I have bought my new clothes and my Taiwanese money that I ordered from the bank has arrived. Everything is all set for me to go. I feel very excited and can’t wait to see what waits for me in Taiwan. I, however, think that my nervousness will set in when I get to the airport. I don’t think that I will realize that I am in a different country till I wake up in my host familie's house.

My host family

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