“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday, January 13, 2013

T-minus 2 weeks and counting

I am trying to enjoy my last two weeks in America before I leave to Taiwan. I have already bought my ticket to leave on February 3. I am very excited to leave but also very nervous. I sadly could not find a host family for the first week of February. I E-mailed my advisor in Taiwan and she told me that I need to apply 6 weeks in advance. I will still apply for a host family maybe for a weekend stay but spending Chinese New Years with a host family does not seem possible. I have not let that damper my spirits! I have taken a more adventurous route and am going to stay in a hostel in New Taipei City before school starts at the end of February. I will spend Chinese New Year with how many friends I can make in a week! I am still waiting for my visa which I sent off last Friday. I feel like time has slowed down since school ended in December I can’t wait to go to Taiwan. I have picked my classes and this is my schedule.

Monday-no class : D

Tuesday- Consumer Behavior and International Human Resource Management

Wednesday- Global Industrial Analysis

Thursday- Mandarin Chinese (II) and Classical Music Appreciation.

Friday- no class : D

 I also still need to fax more paper work to Yuan Ze. It is hard to find a fax machine in this small town that I live in. Right now I feel sluggish right now I have so much to do!


  1. Relax, just know that everything will be okay. I'm sure you'll have a blast Chinese New Year regardless :)
    By the way, I also have a pretty easy schedule!

  2. Can you please tell me how you actually found a host family? I would greatly appreciate it, if you could email me at wuerchjason@gmail.com Thanks!
