“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chiang Mai Zoo

What can I say...I really love zoos and animals.

This huge bear was waiting for us at the entrance of the zoo. Isn't he just super cute?

This zoo is beautiful. Thailand in general is very beautiful. Everything is very clean and well kept.

I have heard Hippopotamuses are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. My impression is that they are very lazy hungry animals.
I've never been so close to a elephant before. He would look at you with his eyes as you walked by, kinda of creepy.
The lion just woke up and started to roar very loudly then fell back to sleep.

He just wants to play.

Thai food is very very spicy. I will never think Mexican food is spicy again.
How do you cap off a day at the zoo? You go to sing Karaoke haha
These little motorcycles were our mode of transportation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jing-Mei Prison

After reading about this place online I decided that I wanted to go and check it out. This prison was used to hold political prisons during the white terror in Taipei.

This is the outside of the prison.

The phones actually worked and you can use the phone to talk to people on the other side.

A typical cell. The walls are padded and very small with just a toilet and a small place to take a shower in.

Monday, November 4, 2013

In Taipei again

I was so happy today that I got to see my host family in Taipei again. My host sister Vanessa has grown so much!! My Chinese has gotten good enough that I can half way understand what she is say. She is super cute.
Today we went off up in the mountains to let of lanterns with out wishing hopping they come true. Here I found Herbie's long lost Taiwanese uncle.

Here people write there wishes on the fence.

It was a rainy day today so not a lot of people were out and about. Taipei is alot warmer then it is in Taoyuan.

I though these little drawings on the wall were very cute.

Here Sylvia and me set off the lantern we have made up into the sky.

The classic picture everyone did when I was in high school.
We ignored the warning sign haha.

I love beef noodles!! But I still think the best ones are next to my apartment made by a old lady.

It felt good to be in my old room again. It made me think when I first came to Taiwan and felt super scared. It feels like it was a million years ago.

The view outside my room.