“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thailand part 2

Today we headed to eat Vietnamese food and then go to a temple. We rode a Thai taxi, which was just a small truck where we sit in the back. It was very interesting experience. It was a bumpy ride and the pollution was terrible.
Vietnamese food tasted very good. But I like Taiwanese food better. Vietnamese food is more vegetables and has less meat in it. Also both Vietnamese food and Thai food use peanuts alot for sauces and in the cooking. The taste is very unique and takes some getting use to.
This river flows on the side of the road as we walked towards the main road to get another truck taxi. The water is brown because of the dirt the river picks up as it makes its way down a mountain nearby.
We took a taxi up a big mountain to get to this beautiful mountain. I got a little dizzy from smelling the exhaust from the truck taxi but I guess I will have to get use to the smell. The dragons are very ornate and beautiful.
We climbed all the way to the top. It was a long way up and very tiring. I am getting older ><.
After paying to get inside the temple  by way of a "donation" we can pass through the gate. Here is a sitting place. The actual temple is up the steps but you have to take off your shoes before you enter. Also inside the temple you can not talk loudly or show affection to show respects to the monks and Gods.

This is the central part of the temple. It was very beautiful. The silence was also very peaceful. There were many tourist in the temple but also just as many people praying.

Through out the temple there were many idols where people were praying or showing their respect. I don't know what each one represented, but they were all beautiful and very well made.

My host mother and me are resting we are both very tired and feel dizzy and sick from riding the truck taxi around.
 There were many flowers and this huge tree were scattered around the temple creating a peaceful environment.
 This carving was made out of wood and is very intricate. The craftsmanship that went into this was very high.
 These columns are also made out of wood but have beautiful carvings on them depicting important scenes from their religion.

 Later at night we headed to a night market. I noticed that Thailand's night market focuses more on selling things while Taiwanese night markets forces on selling food. Either way there was alot of cheap things to look at.
 There was a temple near the middle of the night market.
 That is a glowing Statue of Liberty in the night market. It was strange seeing it. It looked like there was some kind of lantern festival going on that night.

After walking around for a few hours the nightmarket started to close down. I saw this sign at the entrance to a temple. I found it pretty funny.

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