“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Huge nightmarket in Kaosiong

Today Sylvia and I were off to Kaosiong to meet up with her friends. We decided to take a bus going from Toayuan to Kaosiong. It was about a five hour bus ride to get there. Sylvia's mom had told us to  be careful since this month is ghost months and many accidents happen to people. Hearing about a girl that was killed riding a scooter on the news made me start worrying about this superstition the Taiwanese had. After going through some traffic we made it to our stop where Sylvia's friends pick us up and drove us to their other friends house.
After dropping off our bags at A sao's house we went to a huge night market. I was told it was three night markets put together. Finding a parking space was almost impossible we parked maybe 4 blocks away and walked towards the night market.

This is one of the many rows of food stalls. They were very crowded and its hard to move around. It smelled very good though since most stalls had fans that fans out the smell of the food right into your face.
The first thing we ate was Taiwan's famous stinky tofu. I have since grown fown of the taste and really love to eat it any chance I get. It smells awful!!! but the texture is crunch and soft inside like a sponge that adsorbs all the sauce. Nothing is better then stinky tofu and some milk tea.
I see this game in almost every night market. There are many bottles and you throw rings and if you get the ring around the bottle's neck you win the prize! I have never seen anyone one and the big prizes are almost impossible to win.
Here we got some french fries. They are not as tasty as McDonald's fries but still very good with a strange sauce that I found very delicious. I wish North Carolina had night markets it would be so much fun.
Along with food most night markets have games you can play. This one is a popular one where with a airsoft  gun you shot balloons to win prizes. Sylvia wanted to try her luck shooting to see if she could win something.

Although it was almost 11pm all the light in the sky from the night market you could almost see the blue sky. We went back home super tired but excited to head to kenting the next morning.
Here are two videos of the night market so you can get a better feel of how it was like to be in it.

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