“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Taipei : D

Today I was off with my girlfriend to Taipei to meet up with one of her colleagues she use to work with in a cram school. We had to wake up early to catch the train going to Taipei from Toayuan train Station. It was a cloudy morning so I was hopping for a very cool day.
 I have been living with Sylvia's family for the past week. Tomorrow I will move into my new apartment. This is Sylvia's house it is 5 stories and my room is on the 4th floor. It is a very beautiful house!
 Here we are in the MRT station after arriving to Taipei. We are waiting for Sylvia's friends John to come so we can go eat together.
The restaurant we wanted to eat out wouldn't open for another hour so we walked around Taipei trying to kill off some time.

 We ate at a Japanese restaurant. This is a kind of hot pot called "壽喜燒" . It is kind of hard to explain what the Chinese means but it was very delicious!!
 First you drop the slices of raw meat into the soup to cook them.
 Here you can see the meat cooking. We cooked beef and bacon in the pot.
 The sauce you use is a raw egg with peppers.
 My desert was mango with green tea pudding.
 After eating John had to go to work so Sylvia and me waiting at Taipei Main Station for my host mother to get off work to go visit her and her family.
 Seeing my host family again was great!! I had missed them soooo much! We all went out to eat at a Vietnam restaurant. Here I am drinking Vietnamese milk tea. It taste like regular milk tea but with a coffee after taste.
 My host father, Jerry.
 Some egg rolls.

 Vietnamese beef noodles. They were good but Taiwanese ones are much better!

 Our desert haha. Pineapple ice cream inside a pineapple.

I had a great time in Taipei!! I can't wait to  go visit Taipei and my host family again! On the way back to Taoyuan Sylvia and me were so tired that we fell asleep on the train till we got to our stop ><.

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