“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Korean food and Taiwanese snacks.

Today Sylvia and I went to eat Korean food for Chinese Valentine's Day <3. The legend for Chinese Valentines Day is a romantic story of two lovers Zhinu the weaver maid and Niulang the cow herder. Their love was forbidden and were forced to go to the opposite side of the Silver River (the Milky Way). On the 7th day of 7th lunar month magpies form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one single day. There are many variations of this story my favorite is when Zhinu is the daughter of a God and has a forbidden love with Niulang a mortal.

This is Korean BBQ you cook the meat in the center of the table till it is ready.

Then you make a "taco" by using the lettuce to put the meat and other condiments inside of it and eat it. It tasted very good and was very spicy! Korean food is very spicy much more spicier then Mexican food.
We also ordered Korean fried rice. This is one of my favorite types of Korean food it is soooo good and super spicy!!! It was a great meal!

These are typical Taiwanese snacks you can buy at food stands almost anywhere. This is stinky tofu and some chicken on a stick. Very tasty food I really love stinky tofu now! I wish I could find it in the USA.

I also love to eat chicken hearts! They taste much better then how they look.
And this is chicken with spicy sauce its very good and very cheap.

This is a typical menu in Taiwan. Almost all restaurants you will find a sheet like this and you will mark what you want to eat and give it to the cook to make. Instead of marking numbers like we do in USA either by putting the number or using 1=I, 2=II, 3=III. In Taiwan they use the character "正". So 1= 一, 2=丁, 3=下,


  1. Can I ask where is this Korean Bbq located and how much is the cost ? Thanks.

  2. This BBQ is near the Taoyuan Train Station you will need a scooter to reach it though. I will try to find the name of it and tell you later.
    What we usually eat the cost is around 600 too 700 NT for both of us.
