“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, August 31, 2013


After take a rest in the hotel we were off to do many things!! The first thing we did was to go ride these little boats. It was alot of fun and I was surprised by how much power they had for being so little.

This is Sylvia being towed into the dock after she almost beached her boat on the shore driving around to fast ><.
Here is some bubble milk tea it should be the national drink of Taiwan because you can find it almost anywhere. It is very good and you get use to eating the pearls. I like the tiny pearls over the normal size ones. The only bad thing about this drink is that it is super sweet and has alot of calories I need to start drinking it with half sugar.
Looking at this picture I miss the blue skies in Kenting. Right now we just had a typhoon go through Taiwan and it has been raining for, what feels like days. Yet Taiwan's natural beauty is still stunning for me.

We got to this part of the beach riding a jeep. We rode the in the back standing up and drove over sand duns which was very dangerous but very exciting.

Here we got back from our jeep tour and our driver drove very fast through a bunch of water and got everyone very wet.

We went go cart racing also. Some how we picked the best time for all our activity because we never had to wait in line, which is rare in Taiwan!!

It wouldn't be a night in Taiwan without going to a night market to eat something before going to sleep.

This night market was very crowded and it was on the side of the road so there were cars driving very close to where everyone was walking so you had to be careful.

The next morning we woke up to checkout of our little hut and go to eat some breakfast. I was told this use to be a old town surrounded by a wall. This is the south gate.

Typical Taiwanese breakfast : D.

For this activity we got to ride 4-wheelers out in the country. With no training and no helmet we were given the 4-wheelers and had fun riding up mountains and going down.

Our guide wanted to show off to the girls.

Our last activity was to go horse back riding. A very relaxing way to end the day.


  1. was it like a tour? was there tour guide?

  2. It was not a tour. There are many things you can do while you are in Kenting and we bought tickets for things we wanted to do and went to them one by one. We didnt have a tour guide or anything like that.
