“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, February 28, 2013

1st week of school

Hard to believe that my first week of school is already over. It was a good week. Since I only have class for 3 days it dose not feel as long as classes in America. Let me tell you about each day.

I woke up at 8am even though I had a class at 9:10 because I had to go and pay for my student health insurance and get my school ID. I woke up and tried to take a shower but here you have to turn on the water heater and let it warm up the water first before you can take a shower. So I got dressed and walked to school. It was a long walk, even though it was only 8 minutes. It is sorta of a scary walk since all the sidewalks have cars and scooters parked on them. So you are basically walking in the middle of the road in some parts. I tryed to pay my student insurance but I had to wait till 9am. So I want to the international office and told them I will come later. They were very friendly and the nice girl drew me a map of the school so I could find everything.

I walked to my first class in building 6, second floor to Consumer Behavior. I walked in and saw only one person sitting down. Little by little the class filled up with people. I sit in the very front row. At least the teacher is really friendly and speaks English well. The first thing I notice is that Taiwanese students talk while the teacher is talking and that is perfectly all right. I guess since the teacher has a microphone she can easily talk over them. We started by going through ALL 70 STUDENTS and introducing our selves to the class. I notice that my class mates spoken English is not the best. After introducing ourselves we had to get ourselves into groups. My group has a Taiwanese boy named Tommy, a Korean boy named Sunny, a Korean girl named Victoria and and another Taiwanese girl I didn't talk to that day but asked for my phone number after class. I enjoyed that class I liked being back in a class room again.

I then payed for my student insurance and walked to the international office. There I got my student ID. My advisor Miss Linda told me that I was matched with 3 host families I can pick from. They all live in Toayuan and I can stay with them for one month. I am very excited for this opportunity. I can't wait to meet them and pick one.

My next class was International Human Resource Management. I sat down and waited for the teacher to come. Professor Weng was more strict then my last teacher. She studied and taught in many schools in the UK so she had a British accent that was sorta cool to listen to. She was nice and like in the last class we all had to introduce our selves which took like an hour and a half to do. She told us we would get into groups. In fact in all my classes I am in a group. We didn't really do much else but go over the class rules and leave. It was a pretty easy day all and all.

I only had one class today which was Global Industrial Analysis but I had to go to the International student orientation so I had to miss it. The orientation was pretty straight forward. I want to join the International student club. It looks like fun.
We then had to go to health check. OMG this sucked all the International students were compiling about this. We had to be weighed, took our measurements, took our blood pressure, took our blood, gave urine and stool samples, and took x-rays in the back of a small van. It was a experience to say the least. Since thursday is a holiday I don't have my last two classes so just a day to rest.

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