“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chinese New Year's Dinner

Today we went to another city (I forgot what it was called : ( ) to eat dinner with my host mother's mother. It was about a 30 minute drive with a lot of traffic on the way like everyday. This city was much smaller then the other places I have been to. This looked A LOT like Colombia. It was weird the similarities in both countries. Here are some pictures of the city.

My mother told me that was a temple and since Chinese New Years is coming everyone is going to temple to pray and make offering to the Gods. I love the trees in the background.

We finally found a parking space!! There is very little space in these narrow roads and it is dangerous to walk because there are no sidewalks and cars and scooters come flying down the road.

This is the way up to my mother's mothers house. It is still dangerous because scooters drive though this narrow walk way. You have to use your ears to know when a scooter is coming behind you. If not the scooters are nice enough to beep at you and then yell "XIN XIAN KUAI LE"!!

I am not use what this is but it looked pretty.

Those two cars almost crashed into each other. It was sorta scary to watch.

When we got to to my mother's moms house I got to meet my moms younger brother and his wife. Everyone was so nice to me. They spoke some English but like most people in Taiwan do have a lot of trouble understanding when English is spoken. So if I wanted to talk I had to use all Chinese. I liked hearing my (host grandmother?) speaking Taiwanese. It sounds like the language they spoke in the movie "Code talkers".

Here is a picture of the temple in my host grandmothers house. It looked very pretty. We put the food under the temple before we eat it to give food to the Gods.

In this picture we give money to the Gods. We have paper money and throw it into the fire to give up as an offering. Everyone in this city was doing the same thing. It was so cool I have never heard of this before.

This is the lottery ticket cover. It is very pretty.

I bough two lottery tickets. I think the jackpot is 4 billion Taiwanese dollars : D. Everyone is buying lottery tickets so that is why the jackpot is so big! There are lines to buy these things. Each ticket cost about 50 NTD. I hope I win XD!!

My host sister playing the scratch off game. She wins just 100 NTD. She was so happy to win.

I bought this snack from the store. It is seaweed and it taste so good. I loved it so much I ate two packs! NOM NOM!!

I watched a lot of T.V here while everyone was cooking and getting ready. I think Taiwanese news is pretty cool. But Taiwanese commercials are so cute and funny. They make me laugh a lot! Soon it was time to eat!

 There was so much food!! Most of it I have no idea what it was. I just ate and ate and drank and drank till I was so full!! My host  grandmother could not speak Mandarin but she keep telling me to eat more and kept filling my bowl and glass with more food.

The chicken still has the head on it. It was so funny to watch my host uncle making it talk. The chicken tasted so GOOD! Nothing like you can find in America.

Taiwanese wine. But it was so strong I think it is liquor!

I had a lot of fun today! I really enjoyed trying all these different foods even if I don't know their English names or even if they have an English name. I was so sleepy when I got home I went straight to sleep. I could hear fireworks going off in the city all night long. But I slept so well!


  1. El tio hacienda hablar el pollo,,,,,ha hah hahah...como me hiciste reir gatico. Cuida tu dieta y no mas coke.

  2. sounds like you are having a great time! I love the chicken part XD. and is that seaweed alone? i like it in ramen it makes it taste so different :o
    what do the scooter people yell? GET OUT THE WAY! ? lol!
    good luck on the lottery! >.<

    1. Haha yup we ate the seaweed as a snack. LOL the people on the scooters say Happy New years :p not get out of the way. Thanks I hope I win!! *fingers crossed*
