“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday, February 4, 2013

Through the Rabbit hole.

This trip to Taiwan has been a whirlwind of emotions. I woke up this morning and tried getting everything together for my trip. I spend a lot of time over thinking everything (and somehow forgot my computer charger D : ) I left an hour later then I wanted to but I was not too worried about that.




RDU was a ghost town!!  There was no one there at all. I checked in my luggage ($275!!!) with little problem and then sat down with my girlfriend and sister to wait before I went through security.  The byes are always sad…but without that the hellos would not be so sweet. It took me a bit to get through security but when I did I heard the last call for boarding to ATL so I jumped on the plane and got ready to go.  This plane was packed to the brim with people and it was hot in that plane -.-. Oh well it was just a hour flight till we got to ATL.




This was a ghost town too : D. I guess no one flies on Mondays! I had to find a map to find where the gate I was leave at would be. F06 and I was all the way at gate A. So my plane leave in 30mins I can NOT miss this flight. I walk through terminal A,B,C,D,E and got lost in E and took the train to F. Then I heard “this is a page for Jeffrey Cardenas your flight heading to Tokyo is not closing its gates” I ran as fast as I could through terminal F till I got to it before they closed the door. Phew I was almost study in Atlanta.  I notice that almost everyone on this flight was Asian. Also all the warnings were in Japanese then English. I couldn’t help and smile because this is what I wanted to experience.  This flight was SO LONG. OMG I was so ready to get of this plane!! 15 hours stuck in a seat! At least I had a T.V in my seat and I watched “back to the future” “The Truman Show” “Forest Gump” and part of “Super 8” before I  fell asleep randomly.  My butt was also super sore from sitting down : /.  Looking down at Japan was so  cool there are clumps of mountains and jungle and the rest is all lights.




The Japanese people are ssssssssoooooooooooooo nice!!!!! I have never had someone say sorry for something that was my fault so many times.  They have massages everywhere and I couldn’t help but notice everyone was staring at me.  I had more time to get on this flight and even got to use the bathroom. I could feel my heart beating as I got on my last plane before I got to Taiwan. I sat beside a girl named Sandy she was born in America but all her family lives in Taiwan. Like all of mine live in Colombia. This flight I think was the worse. I was over taken by extreme fatigue. I would look at something and then wake up 10 minutes later and this happened for 3 hours till I got to Taipei. I could not get a good rest I keep waking up in 10-20 minutes feeling even more tired. I felt like a zombie walking to immigration. The lady that took my passport laughed saying that she studied at Yuan Ze before. I smiled at her. I got this little luggage carrier thing and waited for 30 mins and got my three bags.




I walked and saw a lot of people holding signs. I could not find my sign. But I did find my friend Gloria and went to her. She was so nice to come get me from the airport. I found my host family and we clicked very well!! I feel so happy and safe with them. We went to eat something at a 7-11 store (which are in every street corner). We ate and talked. The ride was fun. Taiwan is very pretty even at night. But now I need to go to sleep. It is 12:07 PM Taiwan time. Here are pictures I have taken so far.
 First meal in Taiwan
 My host mother and sister
 Living room
 My Bathroom
My room


  1. Bravo Gatico!!!!.... "STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH"


  2. oh my goodness >o< so much to take in lol It sounds like you went through a tornado for hoursssss! till it finally spit you out xD. 15 hour flight? gawwww x___x it hurts to sit for 6 hours when i go to ATL lol! but im sure it was all worth it :D
