“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, February 14, 2013

South of Taiwan Part 1

Last night we got back from the South of Taiwan. We got back at around 2 am in the morning. It was so much fun. South of Taiwan is so different from the North of Taiwan. I loved the city of Gaosiong! I could see my self living there. It is so pretty and modern with so much space. It is so cool how everything changes in Taiwan from city to city nothing is the same. It is so much to travel and see the differences.
We left at 1pm and half way to Daping we stoped at a rest stop. Rest stops in America are rather small and only have a bathroom and vending machines. In Taiwan it is a full center with restaurants, arcades and stores. Many people were traveling so it was full of people everywhere.

I got this hot dog looking thing at the rest stop. It is a sausage with a bun made out of rice. It was really tasty and ate it all very quickly. The drive was very long. About 6 hours. It is pretty amazing how you can drive from one tip of Taiwan to the other tip in 6 hours. The traffic was heavy when we would pass big cities but soon we hit the country side and everything turned flat with lots of rice paddies and corn farms.
 We stayed in Jerry's mothers house. It is a huge house with three stories with many bedrooms and bathrooms. It is like a mansion. There were about 12 people living in this house while I was there. It was fun being part of such a big family. Eating together was the most fun.

This was my first meal I ate in The South of Taiwan. It was very good but very different from what I have eaten in America. Like I said before eating together is so much fun hearing everyone talk and laugh. Even though I could not understand much I can feel the warm positive energy coming from everyone voices and smiles.
After eating about three times more then I should have eaten I went to sleep. I could hear fire works going off at night so it was hard to sleep. The next morning we went to buy fire works at a small store. Daping is much more rural then Taipei. At least this town has a dedicated scooter lane. There are more people on bicycle here then in other cities.
 There were these huge type of fire works and many that shoot off into the sky.

After buying the fire works we went to a brewery and saw a lot of alcohol. These jugs have alcohol in them. In traditional Taiwanese culture when you have a baby girl you but alcohol into a jug and bury it and when she gets married you dig it up and share the alcohol with everyone at the wedding.
These are different types of cigarettes that Taiwan has. They were very old and had colorful advertisement.
We stopped at a bakery and I got this cake and pudding pearl milk. It was all so tasty! I love food here.
My host family likes to play food games with me. They give me weird food to try and won't tell me what it is till I try it. This was some egg they had. It looked so creepy and I didn't really want to try it... but I didn't want to be rude.
I put it into my mouth and it was really soft the outside jelly part was spicy and when you tasty the center creamy part it was bitter but it almost tasted eatable. My host mother really likes it. You use this egg as medicine.
This was some kind of rice thing with pork inside of it. It is like a Tamale but it is made with rice instead of corn. I didn't like the taste of the rice so I could not eat it.
FIREWORKS!!! These sparklers where huge and powerful. We also shot off fire rockets into the sky. So loud and bright! This first day was so much fun! I will post most about my trip to the South of Taiwan later.


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