“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Taipei Mountains and Roehe Night Market Part 2

So I though the other post was getting too long so I made two parts! After looking at all the temples we walked to the car and drove around windy and twisty mountain roads to find somewhere to eat. We found this restaurant and ordered some food there. Every time my host family orders food it sounds like an argument between them and the waiter. They start off talking slow and soft then get loud and talk very fast then relax again lol.  Here is what we ate.
 They had a little oven thing in the center of the table so you can keep your soup warm. The soup is chicken soup with many vegetables that I have never head of and my host family don't know there English name. Also there was Pineapples in the soup. Still very tasty though!
 This is eggs. Like an omlet. But it taste so much better!!!
Here is a piece of chicken! It was so tender and soft. I don't normally like chicken soup but this tasted so good. You can see in the right side of the picture my host family gave me a spoon just in case I wanted it ; ). I didn't use it lol

After eating we drove all the way down the mountain back into Taipei. The traffic was very heavy. I am glad I don't have to drive here. I think I would have ran over and hit many scooter by now. Our next stop is the Roehe Night Market.

 This is the entrance to the Nigh Market. It looks like the entrance to Chinatown in Washington D.C
 There was so many people here!! It was crowded and you bump into everyone. I guess you sorta get use to it.
 There were so many snacks to eat. And all the stalls have fans blowing the smoke in your face so everything smells so good!
 Some t-shirts that cost about $2 dollars each.
 This is a game at the Night Market. If you can catch 3 fish with a small paper net you get a free fish!! It looked very hard I saw many people lose the game.
 A cute Betta fish. They have so many!! It cost 25NTD so it is like 90 cents. It is very cheap.

This is Taiwan's version of Victoria's Secret.

More snacks!! Very small chickens
 This guys is making glass figurines with a blow torch. I was so amazed that you could do that. He was making a dragon. I never see this in America. Most things are made by machines in factories but this was hand made stuff.

More of the glass figurines this guy has made. 


Face threading

This is blood sausage. It tasted really really bad I could not eat it. BLAH!!

This was a great and fun day today!! I was so tired when I got home I could not finish the blog. I can't wait to go downstairs and eat something. I am very hungry!!


  1. Your shirts are $2!? I want a Sweden t-shirt but it costs $30!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes $2or about 60ntd. Everything is cheap in the nightmarkets. I bet the exchange rate in Sweden sucks! Sorry.

  2. shirts and fish so cheap! waaaa I LOVE night shopping too bad we dont have it here :[ i wish the US had more open markets on streets lol only in asian towns i guess >_<

    1. Yea we don't really have night markets in America. It is because we have huge companies like wal-mart. In Taiwan there are millions of small businesses and the compition keeps prices low :D. It is like a flea market on steroids.
