“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hot Springs!

Today we went to the hot springs and the library. We drove for 20 minutes to get to it. It is a mess to get out of the city. The traffic jams are the worst I have ever seen. But once you get on to the highway it is pretty easy to drive anywhere. When we got to the city we parked and started to walk to the library. I noticed that on the drive the weather was sunny, but when we got there it was cloudy and very windy. The weather in Taiwan changes very fast! My host mother said that there was alot of Mainland Chinese people around. She says she can tell because of the way they speak Chinese. To me it sounds the same unless they put (r)s at the end of words like. Dianr,shuir, or wanr. I find that I put those (r)s at the end of words because that is how my Chinese teacher taught us these words.
The library was very beautiful it was made out of wood. We are not allowed to take pictures of the library. It was like 3 or 4 stories tall and had a lot of books. But sadly only three shelf of English books. I had a lot of fun looking around. We were then off to the hot springs. Since Japan use to own Taiwan a lot of the buildings where made in the Japanese style. It was really pretty to look around. I guess it is like me going to old Winston Salem and seeing the old colony style buildings.

 This is a picture of me next to the old administration building when Japan was in control of Taiwan.
 A picture of me outside of the library.

 We walked up the roads to the hot springs. There is the center where the hot springs start off. Where the water is 90C which is sooooo hot. You can't swim in it! Put the hot water goes down in a small river and cools down so you can swim in it. We didn't bring bathing suits so we could not swim. But we did put our feet inside of the water for a big.
 This is the center where the water is the hottest. The steam that comes up from the water is very impressive! The smell was also very bad. My host parents told me that before there use to not be a fence but a little kid fell into the water and died so they decided to make a fence there.
 Here is where the water cools down and everyone goes to soak there feet in the hot water.

 Here is pictures of us soaking our feet in the hot spring. The water was very warm almost like being in a hot tub. It felt so nice! I liked it a lot. We had a lot of fun.

We also went out to eat here. I ate beef noodles for the first time. It tasted so good!! I also tired an special egg that is cooked inside the hot spring water. But I did not like how the egg tasted. I ate all the noodles and fell in love with the taste. It is now my new favorite food to eat!
After finishing our meal we went off to go home again.

At home we wrote things for New Years. We wrote our new years wishes on the papers

Today was a very fun day!! I had so much fun. And today I will be going to the South of Taiwan which I can't wait to do. Here was my late dinner. Dumplings and a soup. All tasty like most of the food I have eaten in Taiwan : D.



  1. Everything looks delicious, watch your diet gatico.....LOL

