“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, February 15, 2013

South of Taiwan Part 2

 Today the whole family went to Kaohsiung(this is how they spell it) we went to the mountains to see monkeys and a beautiful park. I really like Kaohsiung it is such a nice city I would not mind living here at all.
 Here we were just getting inside the city. Like with everywhere else in Taiwan there was a traffic jam. I love how you can see the blue sky. In Taipei it is permanently cloudy.
 This was the entrance to the metro. It is new and looked really pretty. You can see the little red lanterns on the trees for Chinese New Years.
More big buildings. A lot more were just being built so this city is very new and modern.

 We drove all through the city to get to the entrance of the mountain. This was a small temple where people can come to pray.
Here are two monkeys. They were everywhere running around. You could pet them if you are so brave. I am scared of these monkeys. I just tyred to avoid them as much as possible. When I sat down to eat a snack they come toward me I got scared and ran away.

 This is another temple at the start of the mountain trail. They were playing Chinese worshiping music.
 A baby monkey climbing on the sign. The 5 nos for peace. haha I think signs in Taiwan are funny to read if they are in English. The sign told us not to attack or hit the monkeys, not to feed them, not to bring our dogs or pets to the mountains, and not to look the monkeys in the eyes.
 This is a picture halfway up the mountain. It looks so beautiful. Almost like the movie Jurassic Park according to my host dad.
Climb, climb and climb some more. We did not even make it to the top. We took a rest on the stairs and then headed back down again.
 We then headed to the park. Here they had massage therapist giving massages. All the massage therapist are blind.

 Pretty lake
 Pretty flower
 I though this was cute. The Chinese character for love and the word love in English inside of it.
 I really like this picture
More funny signs in English. This one it says no releasing any animals like babies.

 This one says no worshiping here. I guess to many people came to pray and now it is not allowed.
This one says no pole dancing. My host mother said girls would come and pole dance on the light poles for money.

This was my lunch. Fried rice and fish soup. It was soooo good. The best fried rice I have ever had.

A video of the Parrots flying around and one landing on a girl by accident : o.

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