“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Zoo and Night market!!

This morning I woke up earlier then yesterday. But since I went to sleep at around 3 am last night and I woke up at 8am…that is only 5 hours of sleep. I felt pretty good though. But that is the jetlag I guess. I feel good in the morning but in the afternoon I am tired. So I will go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight! I talked to my girlfriend and mother and then walked downstairs.

Jerry was down stairs and he gave me some bread to eat for breakfast with about 9 different kinds of spread that I have never heard of ( all delicious by the way). Elisa came down stairs a few minutes later and joined us as we watched T.V and ate bread. We were watching a traveling show. On that note Taiwanese have A LOT of travel shows from all part of the world. I guess Taiwanese people are really interested in different places. Anyways this show I was watching was making us all laugh sooooo hard!!! This show would NOT work in America but OMG so funny. So two Taiwanese guys go to different countries and pick the most stereotypical clothes of that country. Then dress up in those clothes and walk around and get women in that country to pick which of the two guys is the most handsome.  I wish I could post the show on my blog I enjoyed it. We then all got dressed and got ready to go to the Zoo!! YAY!!

It taste just like the ones in America
We drove for a while in heavy traffic till we got to the zoo. Ever since I told my host family that I use to work in McDonalds they wanted me to go there to eat. So today we went to McDonalds. Wow this McDonalds is huge and there must have been 60 people in this two story McDonalds. I ate the classic quarter pounder with cheese. We then went to the zoo.

This zoo is beautiful!! It is surrounded by the mountains so it is just something I have never seen before. Because the year of the snake is coming up they had a HUGE snake exhibit in the zoo. I have never seen so many snakes in one place and so many turtles in one place. It was so much fun seeing everything. The zoo was great. I saw many animals here are some pictures of the more interesting ones.

Snakes here make a "yeSSSSSssssss" sound

After the zoo we went to a small night market. I had told my host family that I wanted to try “stinky tofu” so we went to a restaurant that had that. The food came in family style and we had a lot of food. All of it was made from Tofu and the stinky tofu tasted really good!! I liked it but my favorite thing was the fish in sweet and sour sauce.  To eat you pick what you want from the middle of the table and put it in your rice bowel and eat it there. You all share your food with the others in the table. It was really good! I never thought tofu could pass as eatable food haha. But stinky tofu really does stinky!! It smells like cow stomach!!! I had a lot of fun eating the food and talking to my family. This kind of dinning experience I think is impossible in America unless you have a lot of money.  After eating we were off to the night market.

The night market looked like China Town in New York City but not as crowded. But it was dangerous because were people walked scooters drive through there going very fast. I was worried my host sister would get hit by a car. I had fun looking into all the shops. My host sister and mother both bought me a gift. I bought my girlfriend a gift of a beckoning cat that she wanted. I think pictures work better then words to show the night market. You can see in one of the pictures my host sister is stamping something. It looks like in Taiwan they have random stamp stations and you can try to collect all the stamps. There were two at the zoo and one at this night market.





I was tired I was falling asleep in the car ride home. But I found my second wind and stayed up talking to my host mother and father showing them pictures of my fmily. It has been a long day. But it was a AWESOME day. Now I need to go to sleep!! Good night everyone. I posted all my pictures on my facebook if you want to see them (http://www.facebook.com/#!/jeffrey.cardenas.564)

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