“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dawn of a New Day.

Taipei 101!!!!!

This morning I woke up at 9 am and chatted with my girlfriend for 3 hours on my phone because I forgot my computer charger : (. I couldn’t help but staring out the window of my room staring at the beautiful scenery. The tropical trees and city buildings are a weird combination but I love it. I fell asleep after talking to my girlfriend and I guess the jetlag kicked in. I woke up at 4pm still feeling tired. I decided that I needed to get up or else my host family will start to worry about me. I bushed my teeth and walked down stairs. My host mother and father welcomed me warmly and gave me some chicken, rice, cabbage, and purple stuff. It was so tasty but I ate the food with chop sticks so I eat really really slowly. I ate and talked to my host mother about many things. We also watched Taiwanese news. Apparently Taiwanese people are upset with America because they say Americans eat the best pork and send the pork Americans don’t want to Taiwan. It was interesting to hear that. Also taiwan is thinking about giving anyone who drives drunk and kills someone the death penalty. That is hardcore... but then again drug trafficting is also punishable by death.

After eating my host family wanted to go sightseeing. I took a quick shower and got dressed and walked down stairs. We all got into Jerry’s van and left to Taipei 101. Wow Taiwan has so many scooters. I think everyone gets a scooter when they are born in Taiwan.
There are so many @.@
My host sister
 Traffic in Taipei is very heavy! I noticed that instead of having exit on the right side of the highway you exit in the middle…very weird. First we had to go to a mall to buy me a new computer charger. There were so many people at this mall with stalls. It looked more like a flea market then an American mall. We found a charger for 1200 NTD and so far the charger works. It was a good buy. We walked around till we got back to the car.

My host father, Jerry.
Host mother, Elisa
We then drove to Taipei 101. We didn’t go inside because we went late and it was closing. My host sister was very hungry and wanted to eat fried rice. We looked for a restaurant but everything was closing. We finally found an open restaurant. My host mother ordered my noodles which tasted soooo good but very different from an American food I have ever eaten. My host sister was grumpy/sad that the restaurant didn’t have fried rice. I ate so slowly with chop sticks again : (. I am so use to in America to eating very quickly but here in Taiwan I am the last to finish eating. I also drank bubble tea which was so delicious!! 
Tasty Noodles!!
At the restaurant

Nom Nom

All done.
We then walked around and took many pictures. My host family loves pictures : P. here are some of my pictures of random Taiwanese things. I had so much fun today! I can’t wait to go sigh seeing again tomorrow. When we came back we sat down watching T.V. I talked to my host family for a long time about history, Chinese, English, Spanish, politics and religion. She was so open and honest which made me feel very happy. I had a great day today and can’t wait for tomorrow. Now it is 1:50am so I need to go to sleep to get rid of my jet lag.

Stray dogs
So colorful like Christmas!

haha she loves the peace sign
Batman car!

For my girlfriend, Cat. I love you and miss you
Cute : D

It feels like Christmas

Christmas tree

1 comment:


    Have fun!!!
